Every single mother out there would agree that the day when they give birth to their children is one of the most difficult days in their lives and at the same time the most beautiful. After the infant has been born, nothing feels better in the world. I don’t want to exclude fathers from this,…
Secret Horsey Proposal Incentivizes Electrician To Learn How To Ride
What is a great way to determine how much people love you? It is definitely the commitment they have in order to make you have and at the same time, how much effort do they put in order to achieve this. A lot of people have different opinions on this one, some people say that…
Horse Jumps Photographer And Gets Everyone Anxious
You all know that some professions require great courage and you are probably thinking that I am talking about police, rescuers, firefighters, etc. Well, it is totally true and I would never acknowledge that, however, would you ever think that photographing requires great courage as well? Sometimes, to take the perfect shot you need to…
Mongolia, The Land Of The Horses
Today we are going to talk about Mongolia, the country of adventure, which is known for its long tradition with horses and the great history behind it. It is thought that there is no other country where horses are such important and fundamental than in Mongolia. Since the beginning of the horse domestication, and until…
Handsome Horse Has The Most Beautiful Hair In The World
It is often said that having beautiful and healthy hair is one of the most important things in everyone’s appearance. Especially for us girls, who struggle a lot to take care of our hair during different seasons of the year, particularly in summer and fall, when we experience hair loss and dryness. I’m pretty sure…
Horse Gives Woman A Reason To Live
I’m sure that everyone has gone through difficult moments in their lives and even had depressive thoughts when everything seemed pointless and there were not enough reasons to remain positive. One of these people was Lea Frazier, founder of Lemon Ranch, an animal sanctuary at Temecula, CA. Lea was about to take her own life…
The Marvelous Birth Of A Gypsy Vanner Foal
Gypsy Vanner is a unique breed that is known across the world for its eye turning look. Every horse lover would love to own a Gypsy Vanner horse because they are beautiful, well-built and most importantly very kind. One of the people who have the lucky chance to own one is Alanna Light, an American…
Equi-Spirit Ball Is The Perfect Toy For Horses
If there’s an animal who wants to be entertained all the time are horses. There is nothing new about the playful personality of horses, they always want to keep themselves busy with something. Talking about horse training, it is a way how to keep them busy by trying to teach them different things to do,…
The Baby Toddler Is In Love With The Mini Horse Outside The Window
If there is something to be said about mini horses, it’s that they’re one of the most adorable creatures out there. For a lot of children, they seem more like beautiful toys than real animals. It is a fact that children usually prefer miniature horses or ponies compared to fully grown horses because they feel…
Teenage Girl Gets Surprised With A Special Gift For Her Birthday
The day of the birthday is the day when everyone should feel special and be surrounded by the love of their family and friends. This is more of a grown-up perspective as young kids and teenagers are usually focused on the birthday gift. I am pretty sure that a few weeks before his/her birthday, every…