One of Europe’s oldest breeds named The Skyrian, surviving almost completely on the Greek Island of Skyros for 2,000 years. Skyrian horse breed is one of the most exceptional horse breeds in the world. Locals used them for agricultural purposes due to their incredible strength, but the destruction of habitat and interbreeding have lowered their…
Meet The Spectacular Horse Of France Called ”White Marble Horse”
We must admit that some of the world’s most amazing horse breeds are drafts. Their enormous size makes them memorable but It’s the remembrance of elegance, beneath all that body, that makes them truly outstanding. The Boulonnais breed is the representative of true beauty and elegance. They are also very rare, only about 1,000 of…
Naughty Horse Decides To Throw Bride Off During Her Photoshoot
Since when they’re little, girls always dream about their wedding day and how beautiful they will look with their wedding dress. They think about every tiny detail and pay special attention to the wedding photoshoot. We all want to look in our best shape in photos, especially at such an important event. Those are the…
Horse Overcomes His Physical Conditions And Sight Loss With The Help Of His Committed Trainer
The biggest blessing for a horse trainer is to have a horse who makes him feel the happiest person in the world and the other way around is true as well. As much love as they give, as much they need to get back by their trainers so a good trainer will always know how…
200 Gentle Horses Get A New Life After Being Rescued
Horses are definitely one of the most popular pets, probably the second after dogs, however, there is a ‘not so good’side in this human-horse relationship. Not all horse owners treat them as they should be treated, but they are actually seen as money-making machines. In nowadays world, horses can be a good way how to…
Newborn Cleveland Bay Foal Is The First To Be Born After 16 Years
The most beautiful moment as a horse owner is to witness the birth of a newborn baby foal. Getting to see one of the most innocent but at the same time, a heart-melting creature in front of you is definitely emotional. I think it might be the second most beautiful thing after an infant baby….
The One-Eyed Mare Gives Birth To Adorable And Rare Twin Foals
Being born with a disability isn’t easy because sometimes, it brings a lot of limitations to your dreams and wishes. Like humans, there are animals with disabilities as well and the horse in the video below is one of them as she was born only with one eye. Given her problem with vision, it was…
Rescuers Undertake The Difficult Mission Of Saving The Horse Stuck In A Sinkhole
I have said it previously and I am going to repeat it again, one of the most types of jobs are the ones that have to do with every form of rescuing. Firefighters, police, animal rescuers, etc the majority of the risks their lives at a certain point in their career. The thing that I…
The Inspirational Story Of Endo, A Blind Horse Who Challenges All Sighted Horses
Everyone has faced difficult situations in life where things just seemed to go wrong and we thought we couldn’t make it. Horses are no different from humans when it comes to this point, they have to deal and sort out all their problems just like humans. The story shown below is an inspirational and extraordinary…
North Carolina Woman Rides Her Horse To Work After A Blizzard Buried Her Truck
We all love spending snowy days inside our warm homes wrapped in a cozy blanket while drinking hot cocoa or chocolate. It is also a great way to spend more quality time with your horse, playing and running around in the snowy days. But as we all know holidays come to an end and we…