1. Horses will always love you; they won’t wake up one day and leave you hanging at the cross-ties without a ride! Horses are the definition of everlasting unconditional love which is really hard to find in humans. 2. A 18-year-old gelding is very mature for his age! There is a very big difference between…
The Horse Won’t Let His Owner Go Until He Finishes His Scratching Routine
A lot of non-horseys think that spending time with your horse is a little boring and repetitive and of course, anyone of us would disagree with that. They definitely think that it is beautiful, they can’t deny a horse’s beauty in any way because it is evident, however, I always like to prove them wrong…
Horse Rider Lassoed A Suspected Thief Who Tried To Steal A Bike
The world we are living in is very insecure in a lot of ways because the number of thieves is high as well. Of course, we can’t talk about every single country because there are very secure countries with very little criminal activity like Iceland for instance. This criminal activity comes as a consequence of…
Little Donkey Tries Socializing With Horses But They Aren’t As Excited As He Is
Have you ever felt excluded at least once in your life? You have probably been the youngest amongst the friends in the neighborhood so they wouldn’t allow you to play with them since the game was for the grown-ups. Maybe you switched your job and the new colleagues weren’t so excited about your arrival for…
Hilarious Horse Riders Together With Their Horses, Walkthrough Mcdrive
Since horses have a very important role in our lives they get to be involved in a lot of our daily activities and spend a lot of time with us because that is what horse-human relationship is about, spending quality time together. Where we go, it is a little difficult thinking of not taking the…
Girl Invents Her Own Method Of Catching Her Naughty Horse
You can check out the video at the end of the article! The video posted below raises concerns about something every horse owner has dealt with: catching your horse. We all know how frustrating it is not to be able to catch your horse. It gets very tiring to follow down your horse down or…
Baby Horse Tries To Steal Mama’s Show And Become The Center Of Attention
The adorable little foal shown in the video below is a Haflinger Horse named Blitz and he is just 21-day old. Footage shows him during the Parade of Breeds at the 2010 PA Horse World Expo! Although it has been nearly a decade since the video was posted online we must add that it has…
Retired Race Horse Surprises The Rider By Taking Him On A Wild Ride
Horses are majestic animals that are especially known for their power and the ability to run super fast. But they’re also very headstrong, and it can take many years to properly train a horse. Fortunately, once they’re prepared (and you’ve gained their trust, of course), they’re pretty good at obeying orders. See, once a horse…
Miniature Horses Meet A Toy Horse For The First Time
We have all watched prank videos on the internet of different horses who see a toy horse for the first time. All these videos have one thing in common: horses tend to have the same reaction when they are presented with a toy horse. They have mostly been frightened by the idea of having a…
Owner Presents The Difficulty Of Loading A Pony Into The Trailer
It’s safe to say that equestrians have tried every possible way to trail their headstrong horses into the trailer but have failed miserably. All horses have their stubborn moments when they refuse to do even the easiest task required by their owners, so it is needless to say we all have dealt with stubborn horses…