We’ve been witness to several videos that show the adorable friendship between horses and dogs. These cute creatures are known in the whole world for being very friendly and kind, not only with other animals but also with humans. Although some people are scared of horses and dogs, we can confirm that there is nothing…
A True Christmas Miracle: Horse And His Former Owner Reunite After A Long Time
Nothing compares to the magical time during Christmas when all the people gather together with their family and share adorable moments whilst also not forgetting to give gifts to each other. It is a wonderful time for kids, who impatiently wait for Santa to give them the gifts they have previously asked for. An amazing…
The Story Of The Man Who Quit His Office Job To Rescue Horses
There are so many extraordinary stories out there who need to be made public in order to stimulate all the people into making positive gestures towards animals. Some people make acts of kindness only once or twice in their whole life and others like Sandesh Raju dedicate all their life to a great cause. Sandesh…
Unique Marriage Proposal Made At The Olimpia Horse Show By A Member Of The Household Cavalry
Horses are part of every important event in all the equestrians’ life and the make sure to include horses in every experience. A member of the Household Cavalry, named Jonathan Adams decided to take the most important decision of his life and propose to his girlfriend Megan Baldry at the Olimpia Horse Show. The trooper…
Meet The Newest And Loveliest Member Of The Budweiser Clydesdale Family
It is safe to say that Budweiser Clydesdales are the most famous horses in the world. The Budweiser Clydesdale’s are recognized for their marvelous commercials and astonishing appearances when taking center stage at events in many countries. Television publicity featuring the Budweiser Clydesdales have a long history in Super Bowl tradition, which all started with…
Free Craigslist Horse And 18-Year-Old Rider Win The Toughest Competition
Have you ever dreamt of having a horse when you were young but it was impossible for you to get one because they are really expensive not only to buy but also feed and take care of? Well, as much as we love horses and we can’t deny the fact that they are some of…
The Old And Experienced Rider Takes On Her 73rd Hunt Season
I am pretty sure that all of the people here believe that at a certain age they will no longer be able to do their favorites activities as they will be limited by their age and physical conditions. Well, a lot of old people, especially in the horse world have demonstrated that their experience goes…
Inspiring Deaf And Blind Rider Wins Rosettes And Supports The Development Of An Innovative Device
Being born with a disability or even being affected by one during your life isn’t easy because all these people have some sort of limitations not only physically, but also when it comes to following their dreams. A lot of them, which is inspiring still, have found a found how to live with it and…
‘One In A Million’ 40-Year-Old Horse Was Put Down Owing To Colic
I am pretty sure that all of you know what the average lifespan of a horse is usually from 25-30 years old and for every horse older than that, you can tell that it has made it to the real world for longer than the majority of the horses. The oldest horse to have ever…
Rider Falls Off Her Horse And Posts The Video To Educate Drivers
Since a huge number of people drive their own cars on a daily basis, the total number of accidents is likely to increase as long as the roads and highways get busy with cars. A lot of people have fallen off the horse because of a lot of drivers who have driven carelessly. That’s why…