A couple from Texas was very surprised after finding out that their mare named Sophie was pregnant and carrying twins. It is very unlikely for a horse to successfully carry a full-term twins pregnancy but Sophie beat all the odds and on May 11, 2017, she gave birth to two adorable foals, a male and…
Lazy Horse ‘Plays Dead’ Whenever Owner Tries To Ride Him
Below you are going to see a horse who deserves an Oscar for his performance and could easily win the title as the greatest actor of his era. Every time someone tries to ride him he drops to the floor and pretends to be dead. His name is Jingang and it is safe to say…
Everything You Need To Know About Horse Girls: Showing Why All The Stereotypes About Them Are Wrong.
There have been a lot of stereotypes about women who work with horses. A lot of people have odd feelings and thoughts about ”horse girls” and have shared them on different forums online, by saying that they are heartless and their only interest is making money. In fact, this is a common misconception that all…
Hilarious Compilation Of Horses That Simply Get Rid Of Riders
Did you ever have an unsuccessful ride with your horse? I believe that a lot of you did, If we talk about people who did not have a lot of experience with horses, I am sure it is even worse in their case. Sometimes, you decide very quickly to simply go and ride a horse…
Draft Horses Run In The Pasture Showing Off Their Strength And Beauty
I am pretty sure that a lot of you are familiar with the Belgian drafts and you have come across one of those articles with the strongest/biggest horses in the world. It is impossible for this breed to not be included on the lists.The Belgian Draft stands between 16.2 and 17 hands (66 and 68…
Amazing 5-Year Transformation Of Khal: From A Young Foal To A Fully Grown Horse
Getting to spend a lot of time with a horse from the day when your horse is born until it is fully grown has a really big significance in your relationship with your horse. The more time you get to spend with horses, the more you will understand that you can’t believe living a life…
Energetic Friesian Tells His Lazy Clydesdale Friend To Get Up
One of the things that I like the most is watching animals have tender moments with each other. I know that we have posted a lot of moments of horses with other animals but today, we are going to keep it within horses and we want to share with you one of the most beautiful…
Equestrian Explains Some Meaningful Points Of The Horses’ Anatomy
We can all agree that horses are some of the most beautiful animals in the world, there is no doubt about that. You simply have to see one in real life and you can tell that it is hard to find something else that does compete with this unique beauty. During history, the same as…
Woman Manages To Check In With Her Horse In The Hotel
If you are a pet owner, then I am pretty sure that it is a real struggle for you to find a pet-friendly hotel and I am talking about animals of relatively small size like dogs or cats. If we speak about horses, it is almost impossible to find a place to accommodate your horse,…
Mother Horse Raises Orphan Foal In Memory Of Her Own Baby Foal
One of the most difficult moments in life is seeing our loved ones pass away. Everything can be overcome in a way or another in a shorter period of time compared to this. This stands true not only for us humans but animals as well. A lot of people think that animals do not suffer…