One of the adjectives we use to describe mothers is overprotective of their children. As every mother would say, their children are the most important things in their lives and of course, it is true for the fathers as well, however, the parent-child connection is stronger for mother in the way that they go through…
Naughty Mare Interacts With Stallions For The First Time
One of the most beautiful feelings in the world is spending time with people you love. You can tell that every moment is better when you spend time with people that make you feel better. I believe in what is called energy and that you can sense whether the person in front of you is…
Talented Horse Walks In Two Legs And Makes It Look Effortless
The total population of horses in the world is around 60 million, which is a really huge number, however, only a very small percentage of this number has risen to fame because of their talent or their ability to do things that other horses aren’t able to do. Some of them are gifted with tasks…
Priceless Reaction Of Curious Black Horse After Meeting A Horse Statue
Are you one of the horse owners who likes to trick his/her horse? Sometimes, you come up with an interesting idea of doing it just to see how is your horse going to react. I am one of those people who like to do it as well. It is simply a curiosity in how will…
Owner Sets Friesian Horse Free, He Gallops Showing Off His Majesty
If it is something that we can all agree is the fact that horses are very gifted compared to the majority of other animals, if not all, when it comes to natural beauty. It is really difficult to ignore a stunning horse in front of you, even a lot of horsey people who have barely…
Touching Scene From The Famous Movie ‘War Horse’
It is a fact that almost everyone loves horses, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise discovering that they are one of the most featured animals in movies. Over the years we have seen a lot of horse movies, from family movies to watch on a Sunday Evening to Oscar-winning movies that have left the…
Buying The Wrong Horse, Hilarious Horse Commercial
One of the most amazing aspects of the creatures that we all love so much, horses, is the fact that with their intelligence, beauty, perfect attitude and other features as well, they have managed to win the heart of the public even in fields where nobody expected that they entered such as Television advertisement. Marketers…
Meet Buchiko, The Majestic Colored Thoroughbred Race Horse
Horse racing is one of the fastest growing disciplines due to huge number of people interested in it. Sometimes it is widely considered underrated and often it doesn’t get all the deserved recognition giving the fact that a lot of shows are undersold, however, this fact is changing rapidly hence, we can be very optimistic…
10 Valuable Lessons Horses Have Taught Us
I’m sure that you are all aware of how special horses are. Each day with your horse is a present, and you find profound faith in taking care of and riding your horse. The horse-human relationship is unlike any other because they have been our friends, our therapists, our dreams, and our healers. Horses move…
Behind The Incredible Story Of Bubbles: The Horse Who Posed As A Donkey To Rescue Himself
We think that there’s nothing more exciting than reading an entertaining story to start this new year on the right foot. We’ve chosen an incredible story that I’m pretty sure it will leave you speechless. It’s a shame that Disney hasn’t turned the following story into a movie because it is truly unbelievable. Bubbles was…