The relationship between a horse and a girl is one that can be very special and unique. Horses have long been considered one of the most beautiful and powerful animals in the world, and the bond that can be formed between a girl and her horse can be truly remarkable. At the heart of this…
Large Percheron Stallion Can’t Wait To Meet His Partner
The Percheron is a hefty draft horse breed that was developed in the French Perche region. The breed most likely descended from the Flemish “big horse” of the Middle Ages; it was altered by Arabian blood to make a coach-horse type, and it was altered once more in the 19th century by the introduction of…
Black Percheron Horse Meets Herd Members One By One
The reality shows that the Percheron horse has a highly agreeable temperament. He is a proud, vigilant, knowledgeable, and eager worker. Percherons can be black or grey in most of the cases. They can also be sorrel, bay, roan, however these colors are less common. The head and feet of Percherons frequently have white markings,…
Majestic Foal Is Melting Hearts On Internet With Its Beauty
In the following video, we will present you a unique half Friesian, half Appaloosa foal. Before watching the video, we would like to provide you with some information for both Friesian and Appaloosa horse breed. Friesian horses are definitely a beautiful and uncommon breed. All those who are in their presence are in awe of…
Horse Has Internet In Laughter After Demanding Kisses From Owner
Do horses develop strong emotional bonds with their owners like dogs do? They do, indeed. Extremely so. They also retain vivid recollections of both the people with whom they have formed positive bonds and those who have hurt, or mistreated them. The length of the relationship is significantly influenced by a number of factors, not…
Cheeky Horse Shows Owner That NO Fence Can Stop Him
Horses have a tendency to do some really bizarre, foolish, or amusing things both when we observe them and when we don’t! Even while we are riding them, some seem to relish getting into trouble in the pasture, the stable, or both. Horses make us laugh all the time, and this is one of the…
Hilarious Horse Becomes A ‘Drama Queen’ While Passing The Ditch
The reality show that even a generally confident and peaceful horse may experience anxiety under some circumstances. The rider can be proactive, maintain control, and even calm the horse before it panics by being aware of the situations where this is likely to occur. When a deer jumps out of the brush, for example, a…
Owner Takes Her Black Friesian Horse Out Showing Off His Majesty
One of Europe’s earliest domesticated breeds is the Friesian horse. It is indigenous to the northern Netherlands’ Friesland province. The growth in agriculture and transportation mechanization resulted in a reduction in the number of Friesian. According to legend, there were only three Friesian stallions left before World War I. Oldenburg blood was introduced, revitalizing the…
Meet The Famous Blind Tenor Andrea Bocelli, Whose Heart Sees Through Horses
Andrea Bocelli is one of the most famous tenors in the world, known for his powerful and emotional voice. His music has touched millions, but beyond his fame and talent, there is another great passion in his life – horses. For Bocelli, horseback riding is not just a hobby; it is a deep connection that…
Horse Herd Gallops In The Rain Delivering A Majestic View
One of the best pets anyone might own is a horse. Horses are really advantageous in so many ways. In addition to being attractive, they are bright, obedient, sociable, understanding, compassionate, even-tempered, loyal, and trustworthy. You will have a pet that is a part of your life for a long time because of their lengthy…