Zebras are one of the most recognizable animals due to their black and white stripes. They all have standardized look, so it is a little bit difficult to tell their difference when they all stand in a group. But a rare zebra named Tira proved us wrong. She has a mutation called psuedo-melanism that causes…
Cute Horse Is Clearly Enjoying Belly Rubs From Her Owner
We have said it so many times that animals are wonderful creatures and we are lucky to have them. Most of them are so adorable and kind and as history has shown- very unpredictable. Just when we think that nothing can surprise us anymore, we come across several videos on the internet who show animals…
The Touching Final Scene From Hidalgo – A Thrilling Movie That Comes Along Once In A Lifetime
During these winter days is the perfect time to stay inside your home and watch a good horse movie. We’ve shown you before a list with the top 10 horse movies that every equestrian has watched at least once in their life. If you haven’t read our article you can still find it on our…
Incredible Race Horses Show The True Meaning Of Horsepower
We can’t deny that the equestrians’ favorite sport is horse racing. Not only it is an entertaining sport, but now it is becoming one of the fastest growing disciplines due to huge number of people who have shown interest in it. We must say that it is widely considered as an underrated sport and often…
Stunning Horses Enjoy Listening To The Beautiful Music Of The Huge Flute
One of the things that almost every single person enjoys doing is listening to music that he/she likes. Music is a good accompanier in different situations in life. On a wedding day, you most likely listen to festive music that creates such a positive atmosphere. Almost everywhere you go, you will listen to a type…
Horse Loves Cuddling With His Favourite Human Friend
What is a great way how to measure your success as an animal lover? It is really simple if your horse likes to spend most of its time around you, then you have made it. Does your horse enjoy long rides with you or is it one of those lazy horses that want to lay…
Famous Football Player Loves Riding Horses On Free Time
If we speak about people in the horse world, they are categorized into two main groups, the ones that are fully dedicated to horses whose lives are strongly connected to them and the other group is the one who is passionate about horse riding or activities that are related to horses but not as much…
The Generous Woman Was Just In Time To Save The Lives Of 7 Beautiful Foals
Although it is great to have a positive perspective in the world and focus only on the beautiful things that our life offers, it would be really unrealistic to forget about the dark side of it and not speak loudly about the injustice and cruelty in the world right now. It is definitely hard to…
Horse Trainer Trains The Nervous Pony To Become A World Champion
As responsible animal owners, our duty is to provide good lives to our animals as long as we initially decided to adopt them, however, there are a lot of these owners who simply do not care about the lives of their animals and believe it or not, it might affect the animals’ confidence even after…
These Adorable Images Of Mini Horses Confirm Once Again That They’re The Cutest Breed Around
It is safe to say that everybody loves miniature horses. Their charming figure and sweet temperament have gained the attention of fans from all over the world. Miniature horses are very well known for their small size and they are originally kept as mate animals, they still have many needs just like a full-size horse….