A frequent way for people to lose their lives is definitely accidents. It does not seem like something that takes a lot of people’s lives, but statistics show a very concerning situation regarding this topic. Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day, an additional 20-50 million…
Sassy Horse Decides To Join His Little Friends In The Dance
During different time periods, the music taste differs, also the music genres as well and every single change in music is also associated with the creation of new dancing moves. If you compare a song from the ’80s it will be very different compared to a typical dance of the decade that we left behind….
Rider Wants To Have Control But Horse Got His Own Rules
A big mistake that a lot of horse people do, even the experienced ones is pushing a horse to do things that they are not capable of or simply oblige them to perform even when they are not in their best physical conditions. Sometimes it comes as a lack of information in horse behavior, other…
Rider Loses The Reins But His Incredible Horse Saves Them Both
Since the majority of us here, if not all are showjumping fans, it is time for an incredible showjumping video. One thing that I like about it is the fact that it is not as underrated as the other disciplines regarding performances with horses. Even non-horsey people believe that it is difficult. If we speak…
400 Friesian Horses Ride Peacefully On The Beach Delivering A Majestic View
More than 400 black Friesian thundered over the beach at Callantsoog, in North Holand. It was set to be the largest edition of the Mega Beach Ride for Friesian Horses. The mastermind behind the event, Linda de Jong in a public statement she thought it was a huge success and that she was very enthusiastic…
Smart Mule Figures Out The Way To Open Gate Latch
Of course, all the equestrians think they know most of the characteristics that a mule typically possesses but there are actually a lot of amazing facts we didn’t know about them. A mule is a result of mating a male donkey and a female horse and due to this fact, they have many of their…
Man Tries To Lead Horses Towards Water But They Get Angry
There are a lot of videos over the internet showing how horses are treated in Romania. In Romania people still use horses for everyday use in agriculture and transport. Some parts of the population live under bad conditions and the use of horses is a more affordable alternative to vehicles. Current surveys show that the…
Amazing Equine Performance Inspired By Disney’s Frozen
I bet you all remember the famous video showing a beautiful performance inspired by Disney’s Frozen, who gained more than 17 million views on Facebook, in a short period of time. 23-year-old Laura Sumrall took the internet by storm in the Kentucky Reining Cup, an event known as reining, which is created to show the…
Rider Loses Reins During Barrel Racing But Persists Showcasing Remarkable Determination
As we all know barrel racing is one of the most challenging disciplines that require great communication between the rider and his horse. It takes a lot of work to keep the speed of a horse but also your equilibrium at the same time while going around the barrels. When it comes to this discipline…
The Peculiar Horse Is One Of The World’s Most Stunning
Do you all remember the first time when you saw a horse? It was probably one of the most beautiful moments of your lives as long as you are a member of this community that is all about horses. Most of the kids of the last few decades have probably seen a horse for the…