The meeting between a mare and a stallion is an exciting and crucial moment in the world of horses. It is the beginning of the mating process, which can result in the birth of a new foal. When a mare and stallion first meet, they will often greet each other by touching noses or sniffing…
Newborn Foal Tries Standing For The First Time While Mom Observes Him
The first time a baby horse stands up is a significant moment in its life. It marks the beginning of its journey towards independence and mobility. The process of a baby horse standing up is a natural and instinctive behavior, but it requires strength, balance, and coordination. When a foal is born, it usually takes…
Rider Tries To Keep The Situation Under Control After Horse Falls Over In The Street
Horse falling is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences for both the horse and the rider. A horse can fall for a variety of reasons, such as losing their footing, tripping over an obstacle, or suffering from a medical condition. Regardless of the cause, a horse fall is a traumatic event that can…
Owners Show Off The Beauty Of Their Giant Percheron Horse
The Percheron horse named Moose is a magnificent breed of horse that has gained popularity for its unique features and excellent characteristics. Moose is a dark grey stallion that stands at an impressive height of 17 hands, making him a towering figure among other horses. He weighs over 2,000 pounds, making him one of the…
Handlers Rush To Free Budweiser Clydesdales After Getting Tangled During The Show
The Budweiser Clydesdale horses have been a beloved icon of American culture for over a century. These majestic horses, known for their large size and striking appearance, have become a symbol of the Budweiser brand and have been featured in numerous shows and events over the years. One of the most famous shows featuring the…
Naughty Horse Decides To Run Away In The Middle Of The Show
Horses are known for their speed and agility, and their ability to run away is a well-documented trait. Horses have a natural instinct to flee from danger or perceived threats, and they are capable of running at great speeds over long distances. While there are several reasons why horses may choose to run away, the…
Little Girl Leads Her Large Horse Melting Hearts On Internet
The relationship between horses and kids is a special and unique one that has been celebrated for centuries. There is something magical about the bond that forms between a child and a horse, and the experiences they share together can be life-changing. Horses have a natural ability to connect with children, perhaps because they are…
Mother Horse Tries To Rescue Her Entangled Baby Foal
Horses are known for their social behavior, and they often exhibit a remarkable sense of support for one another. As herd animals, they rely on each other for survival and safety, and their bonds can be incredibly strong. One way horses support each other is through mutual grooming. This behavior involves one horse nibbling on…
Farrier Shows His Way Of Handling A Naughty Kicking Horse
Horse kicking can be a dangerous behavior that poses a risk to both humans and other horses. Understanding why horses kick and how to prevent it is essential for horse owners, handlers, and riders. Horses kick for various reasons, including fear, aggression, pain, and frustration. When horses feel threatened, they may kick out to protect…
Foal Refuses To Wake Up After Birth Worrying Mare And Owner
The process of horse birth, also known as foaling, typically lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. Prior to giving birth, the mare will exhibit certain behaviors such as restlessness, sweating, and increased urination. These behaviors may last for several hours or even days before the actual birth occurs. As the mare goes into labor, her…