There is nothing more emotional than reuniting with your loved ones, especially when you haven’t seen each other for 10 years. This is the incredible story of Michelle Pool, 40, an accountant and horse trainer whose horse was stolen from her ten years ago. Her lovely horse, Opie, had been stolen from her father’s pasture…
£5 Pony Who Once Lived On The Streets Is Now A Dressage Champion
In case you needed a daily dose of motivation than the incredible story below is the right one for you. A pony named Alan proved once again that miracles do happen! He was born and raised on the main road when he was bought for just £5, then out of nowhere he got into dressage…
Wild Horse Thanks The Gentle Man Who Saved Him
One of the most beautiful moments for a horse owner is when their horses show how thankful they are towards the people who want to provide them with the best living conditions or simply help them in a very critical situation in life. We all know that a lot of horses found or saved by…
Hilarious Horse Scratches His Itchy Butt On The Fence
Being horses lover, we generally know what horses love and what irritates them. Horses are very different from each other and all of them have different preferences whether talking about food or activities that they like to be involved in. Non-horsey people would think that they are absolutely the same regarding this topic, but indeed,…
The Adorable Pug Won’t Ever Stop Ridding His Horse Friend
As horse owners, we all know that horses are one of the most socializing animals ever. If we talk about other domesticated animals, horses are definitely the most favorite friends that all these other pets would like to have not only for the fact that they are socializing but also really beautiful and bigger in…
The Lucky Pregnant Horse Was Saved After Being Stuck In The Railroad Bridge
Nowadays, animals can be easily in danger by a lot of factors, which can be them being part of the food chain, failing to adjust to climate changes, etc, however, the thing that affects them the most is definitely the human activity which can be intentionally and unintentionally. If we are referring to intentional cases,…
Nurse Mare Foals Are Living Their Best Lives After They Got Rescued
We all know that the animal world can be so cruel, up to the point where people do not care about what happens to these animals. These animals are used a lot in the food industry, which is the worst thing that can happen to them apart from abuse. Abuse does not only come in…
7 Incredible Ways Horses Help Us Deal With Mental Health Issues
Humans and horses have always had a healthy relationship but if once upon a time they were only used to pull logs or as transportation tools, nowadays horses play a significant role in the mental rehabilitation of many people around the world. They’re able to read or becoming cognizant of how someone is feeling before…
This Breathtaking Horse Tribute Will Leave You Speechless
All equestrians are so thankful for having horses in their life and that’s why they always try to do the best they can to express their love not only to horses but to the whole world! Everyone needs to know that horses are amazing creatures and deserve more recognition even from non-horse people. Throughout all…
Incredible Horse Trainer Proves That Nothing Is Impossible If You Work Hard For It
Many people underestimate horse trainers and think that their job is slightly easy compared to other jobs. But I know that all the equestrians simply don’t agree with this fact because being a horse trainer requires a lot of characteristics that are hard to find. Horse training can be a lot of fun, but it…