Horses are known to enjoy being scratched, and many horse owners can attest to the calming and relaxing effect that scratching can have on these magnificent animals. Whether it’s a gentle rub behind the ears or a firm scratch on the withers, horses will often lean into the sensation and show their appreciation in a variety of ways. One of the reasons horses enjoy being scratched is because it can help to alleviate any itching or irritation they may be feeling. Horses can experience a range of skin conditions, from mild allergies to more serious issues like sweet itch.

Scratching can provide temporary relief and help to distract the horse from any discomfort they may be experiencing. Additionally, scratching can also serve as a form of bonding between horse and human. Horses are social animals and thrive on the companionship and attention of their caretakers. When a horse is scratched, they may nuzzle or nicker in response, showing their appreciation for the attention they are receiving. However, it’s important to note that not all horses enjoy being scratched in the same way or in the same places.

Some horses may be more sensitive to touch than others, while others may have certain areas that they prefer to be scratched over others. As with any interaction with a horse, it’s important to approach with caution and respect the individual animal’s preferences and boundaries. Overall, horses enjoy being scratched for a variety of reasons, from relief of skin irritation to building a stronger bond with their caretakers. Understanding a horse’s preferences and being sensitive to their needs is key in providing a positive and enjoyable experience for both horse and human.

That’s what the following video is all about. The lovely horse in the video gets some nice scratches from the owner. He seems to enjoy it and the reaction is simply hilarious. Please take a look at the video by yourself for more, let us know your comments on the video, and do not forget to spread out the video on social media with your friends and family in order to make their day beautiful as well.