1. Horses will always love you; they won’t wake up one day and leave you hanging at the cross-ties without a ride! Horses are the definition of everlasting unconditional love which is really hard to find in humans.

2. A 18-year-old gelding is very mature for his age! There is a very big difference between an 18-year-old boy and an 18-year-old horse since the first one is only a teenager while the other one is a grown-up horse.

3. Horses are into stable relationships! At the moment that you establish a great bond with your horse, it will most likely remain like that forever while there is a way higher probability if we talk about breakups.

4. Horses won’t complain about eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! If there is an animal who does not complain about its food is definitely a horse while if we consider it in a relationship aspect, it is a whole different story.

5. Riding dates can be whenever you want…no waiting around for horses to check their schedule! Horses are always there for you no matter what. You can go and spend some quality time with your horse at any moment of the day while the time that you can spend with your partner is significantly smaller.

6. Instead a bunch of “Hey Girl” texts…..your horse gives you that “Hay Girl” whinny at dinner time! Well, this is pretty much self-explanatory.

7. Spending time with horses is like going to the gym. Only horses don’t care if how you look, they love you no matter what smile emoticon. You don’t have to care about having the perfect body as long as it the right weight for you in order to ride your horse.

8. Your dad trusts a 1000lb animal more than a 150lb boy! One of the biggest problems with boyfriends is convincing dads that he is the right one while with horses, you don’t have to.

9. Horses won’t tell any of your secrets. This is one of the biggest problems in relationships nowadays. A horse won’t tell any of your secrets, well, in fact, it can’t.

10. Just stick with horses…they’ve got boys beat in all categories! Is there any need for a competition to prove it? I don’t think so. I am pretty sure that boys and men will not like what is written above. Please do not take it seriously!