How many times in life have you been in situations when what you have seen in front of you was actually not the obvious thing that everyone would think of? I really do believe that misinterpretations are one of the worst things in the world simply for the fact that they cause a lot of conflicts between people and sometimes, you might get hurt and not ask for an explanation for what they saw. That is why we should always be careful to avoid such misinterpretations because they can easily happen and they might really affect the close relationships we have with other people.
Well, the way that I expressed it is more in a social perspective, however, the video that you are about to watch is more of a viewer’s misinterpretation on what is actually happening between these animals. I am pretty sure that every single one would be scared of what they were actually seeing but then when they get to see the video towards the end, they will realize that there is actually nothing that they really need to worry about. A professional wildlife photographer has captured on camera the remarkable moment a brave horse frolicked with a pack of wild wolves.

The scene was filmed in Abruzzo, Italy two years ago and it really seems like the wild wolves came to attack the horse, that’s what everyone would think and from moment to moment, they might picture in their mind a situation of the horse fighting against the wolves for survival and that is the surprising aspect of the video as nothing like it happens. In the clip, the horse wanders nonchalantly among six of the predators and then even rolls in the snow as the wolves watch on.
It seems like the horse is not afraid of the wolves and they actually did not intend in any case, to attack him. There is an explanation about it. Usually, horses attack smaller creatures in size such as sheep or rodents for instance. Therefore the horse isn’t scared of the wolves; they do not pose a threat as they are unaware that the horse is prey.
I am really happy that this seemed to be the case because, like any other viewer, I was definitely expecting a fight for survival. Please watch these beautiful animals in the video below and let us know what you think about them!