Old Billy, born in 1760 in Woolston, Cheshire, England, holds the record as the longest-living horse, reaching an extraordinary age of 62. Throughout his life, he worked as a barge horse, pulling vessels along the canals for the Mersey and Irwell Navigation Company. He was described as looking like a large Cob or Shire horse, with a brown coat and a distinctive white blaze. Despite the physically demanding work, Old Billy lived far beyond the average lifespan of most horses. He passed away on November 27, 1822, at the estate of William Earle in Everton, Liverpool, leaving behind a legacy that continues to fascinate horse lovers and historians.

Because of his remarkable longevity, Old Billy became well known in his later years. His unusual old age made him somewhat of a local celebrity, and he was admired for his endurance and strength. An artist named W. Taylor captured his likeness in a painting alongside Squire Henry Harrison, a man who had known Old Billy for 59 years. Today, Old Billy’s legacy is preserved in museums. His skull is housed at the Manchester Museum, while his taxidermied skin is displayed at the Warrington Museum & Art Gallery. His preserved remains serve as a reminder of the hard work done by horses of his time and the extraordinary circumstances that allowed him to live such a long life.

The average lifespan of a domesticated horse is between 25 and 30 years, and it is rare for a horse to live beyond 40. Old Billy’s 62 years was an incredible exception, making him the longest-living horse on record. Even among horses that lived exceptionally long lives, none have come close to matching his age. The oldest recorded Thoroughbred racehorse was Tango Duke, a chestnut gelding born in 1935 in Australia, who lived to be 42 years old. While some ponies and other horse breeds have been documented living into their 50s, Old Billy remains in a category of his own, with no known challengers to his record even centuries later.

Old Billy’s story continues to be a fascinating part of history, showing the resilience of horses and the strong connection between humans and animals. His long life serves as a reminder of the hard-working horses of the past and the conditions they endured. Though centuries have passed since his time, his name remains known among those who appreciate equine history. His preserved remains and his portrait ensure that his story is never forgotten, making him one of the most famous horses in history.