Polo is a horseback mounted team sport. It is one of the world’s oldest known team sports. The current game in its modern form originated in Manipur, a northeastern state in India, and was propagated by officers of the British military in the mid 19th century. It is now popular around the world, with well…
Author: Horse Spirit
Smart Horse Knows How To Use Tools And Get Himself The Treat
All horse lovers, riders, and owners know how smart horses are and it has happened to each one of us to see what amazing things these majestic animals can accomplish. We have seen videos of them playing the piano, painting, helping humans and horses in difficult situations, unlocking barn locks, bringing food to their loved…
Multitasking On The Back Of Horse Is More Fun Than At Your Office
When we have got a lot of work we all get stressed out and sometimes we don’t even know where to begin. Multitasking is one of the most distressing things that can happen to a person and there are people out there who don’t manage to cope with it. But there are times when you…
Incredible Mare And Rider Estimate The Distance To An Obstacle In An Awesome Jump
We aren’t perfect and life in itself isn’t either because if it were everybody would be able to make perfect calculations about things happening in our lives. But as it isn’t, we have to make assumptions about many things in our lives related to the job, house, life partner and even the parking space. Sometimes…
Horse And Rider Find A Way To Have Fun In A Snow Covered Area
People live in different parts of the world and experience various weather conditions. People who live in cold areas and experience snow long for a little bit of sunshine and people who experience the sunshine all day long, want to see a little bit of rain and snow. People usually want what it’s not but…
Energetic Kid Has His Own Methods Of Mounting A Sweet Patient Mare!
Nothing can stop someone who really wants to do something. When they don’t make it for the first time they will keep looking for ways until they reach their goal. What you are going to watch in this video is a little kid who tries everything to mount a mare and finally makes it. This…
5 Reasons Horseback Riding Helps in Child Development
Partnering your child with a horse can take a lot of work off your shoulders when trying to teach them the life skills and traits that they’ll need to survive! Kids may learn a whole lot better if learning is hidden under a heap of fun. Give them a horse to ride and away they…
Keep Calm And Hug A Horse – Stunning Video
Sometimes a hug is all we need to feel great again. It is like everything changes around us when we get a hug and it is also a great feeling when we give one. When you hug someone you show him or her that you are always there no matter what happens. It is like…
Gorgeous Peruvian Horse Showing Off His Moves
The Peruvian Paso or Peruvian Horse is a breed of light saddle horse known for its smooth ride. It is distinguished by a natural, four-beat, lateral gait called the paso llano. This breed is protected by the Peruvian government and has been declared a Cultural Heritage of the Nation by the National Institute of Culture….
5-Year-Old Tennessee Walking Horse ‘Gaiting Up A Storm’
The Tennessee Walking Horse or Tennessee Walker is a breed of gaited horse known for its unique four-beat running-walk and flashy movement. It was originally developed in the southern United States for use on farms and plantations. It is a popular riding horse due to its calm disposition, smooth gaits and sure-footedness. The Tennessee Walking…