What you are going to watch in the video is an extremely rare case of identical twin sisters owning identical twin horses. Chances of having identical twins. In the general population, identical twin pregnancies occur 0.45 percent of the time or 1 in 250 births. Also, although having no percentage data, identical horses are a…
Author: Horse Spirit
A Blind Horse Gets The Best Friend He Could Ever Find
When Roderick Olson’s horse Zaxson went blind, he did not cast the animal aside. Instead, he embraced Zaxson, taking him for walks in the woods and acting as his eyes. Since then, the two have developed a close friendship built on mutual trust and love. Let’s hear Olson’s thoughts on Zaxson, “Riding a bling horse,…
Top Ten Biggest Horses Our World Has Ever Had
Meet the biggest horses in the world. If you are passionate about horses, you can not miss this video. 10) Zeus- This horse had the name of the god of the Greek mythology, Zeus, thanks to its incredible 86 inches and its 3100 pounds of weight. During his early years, this Belgian draft horse lived…
Farewell To An Outstanding Cross Country Horse, “I’ve Never Ridden One Like Him!”
Armada is one of the cross-country horses in history and she was put down at the age of 20. Owned by Paul and Diana Ridgeon and ridden first by Andrew Nicholson and then by Oliver Townend, the chestnut Spanish sport horse completed 16 CCI4* (now CCI5*) events, taking second place at Badminton in 2014 with…
The Morning Routine Of An Equestrian- Summer Edition
Being an equestrian does not mean having only a lot of fun, but also a lot of obligations. Esme, a popular Youtuber shares her morning routine as an equestrian. Let hear her thoughts, “I actually wake up quite early in the morning around 6 o’clock which is brilliant because it means that I can get…
Miniature Horse Becomes Naughty During The Movie Set
Did you ever have the opportunity to go to a movie set? We do all watch a lot of movies and very often, we try to underestimate all the work needed to produce a good movie and all the unexpected things that might happen on set. The video below is proof supporting what has been…
Where Veteran Horses Retire After They’ve Served
The United States Army has horses that are up for adoption. The retiring horses were once part of the Old Guard Caisson Platoon, where they led military funerals, pageants, memorials, and parades. When the horses retire, they need a place to go, so the Caisson Adoption Project helps pair them with a perfect home. Here’s…
Gentle Arabian Shows All Of His Tenderness Towards The Fake Pony
Horse people have the privilege to experience some of the most tender moments of their lives with their horses because of the positivity that these amazing creatures reflect. It is true that taking care of a horse might be more time consuming compared to with other animals, but the time spent is the source of…
Horse Rescued From Hurricane Irma Helps People Feel Safe
Hurricane Irma was the strongest observed in the Atlantic in terms of maximum sustained winds since Wilma and the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. A survivor of the hurricane is a horse in the video that you are going to watch. Going through a lot and also experiencing one…
Girl And Horse Chilling Together Are Definitely On Cloud Nine
We have made it to the middle of the summer, hence we are all experiencing such great weather. Unfortunately, not all people can benefit from it due to their obligations, however, the girl in the video has found a way how to get the most of the sunny weather with her best friend. She and…