One of the biggest struggles of getting a horse is definitely familiarizing it with the new life that it is going to have. For some owners, it takes only a few days to succeed while for others, it might take a lifetime. Firstly, it depends on the horse’s personality and previous life. Some of them…
Author: Horse Spirit
8 Prettiest And Majestic Horse Breeds In The World
Before carrying on with the video, I would like to point out a very interesting fact about horses. Do you know how many nationally recognized horse breeds are out there in the world? Horse Faq’s has made a prediction that there are around 350 nationally recognized horses and 100 pony breeds. If we speak about…
Jockey Shares His Rich Experience With Horses
Chantal Sutherland, a Canadian model, television personality and jockey in North American Thoroughbred horse racing once said: “I hope to be remembered as a very good jockey.” Compared to popular sports like basketball, tennis or soccer, horse racing includes more challenging disciplines that make it more difficult for riders to push through. It happens for…
Half Rhino, Half Horse, Let’s Meet The Malayan Tapir
There are millions of different species of species in the world and certainly, an average human is informed only with a small percentage of this huge group. If we talk about endangered species, then people are incapable of imaging that these creatures are part of the world we are living in. The animal that we…
Creative Owners Come Up With The Idea Of Halloween Horse Costumes
We have made it through the most of this month and a very special day is approaching soon. A lot of people in the world, especially in the US are impatiently waiting for Halloween cause it is one of the most popular celebration days in the world, I would say the second most popular after…
Professional Horse Trainer Delivers A Memorable Performance For The Crowd!
Since we are a huge community of horse lovers, I have decided to share with you one of the biggest horse lovers who has dedicated her life to horses since she was at a very young age; It comes as a continuation of her father’s work. A ninth-generation performer, Sylvia Zerbini has captivated audiences across…
Documentary Explains The Complications Of Attending A Jockey School
What is the difference between a jockey and a rider? A jockey is someone who rides horses in horse racing or steeplechase racing, primarily as a profession, while riders usually do have more of a life-experience background rather than a professional one, so in simple words, people who aspire to be jockeys have to get…
Men Take Skiing To The Next Level Through Skijoring
Winter is coming soon and one of the best parts about it is the beautiful sports that you can do only during this season. O lot of people love ice skating or skiing, which I do love to but these horse people have found something even more interesting and at the same time, a little…
Rider Explains The Method She And Her Horse ‘Became One’
I know that a lot of you may disagree with what I have to say, but I strongly believe that you can’t build as strong bonds with other animals as you can do with horses. I have spent time with a lot of different animals, but the feeling that I get from horses is different,…
Talented Cow Tries To Become A Horse
Are you the owner of an animal who sometimes behaves like another animal? We have seen horses behave like dogs or vice versa, but today we are going to introduce a cow who is pretty sure she’s a horse. Well, the thing is that she did not have a choice because her trainer taught her…