Imagine yourself driving in the middle of the night on a highway where the speed limit is also higher, the last thing that goes into your mind is that a herd of horses will appear in front of you. It is something that does not happen every day, however, it happens and the driver should…
Author: Horse Spirit
Girl Shows That Spending Time With Your Horse Makes You Forget About Everything
Have you ever had a very stressful day or you just know that some stressful events are ahead of you? Did you ever feel lost and wanted to find a way out of this emotional standing? It happens very frequently to a lot of people and a lot of times it is indeed difficult to…
Dog And Horse Can’t Imagine Living Without Each-Other
It is time for one of the videos that a lot of you love watching, the great friendship between horses and dogs and we couldn’t find a better one today. Horse and dogs have always shown to be emotionally attached to each other. It is very strange how in a barn with different animals, horses…
Challenging 80-Mile Horse Race Demands More Than Just Speed
When we talk about horse races, the pure logic behind them is ‘the fastest is the winner’. This is absolutely true if you are the fastest one to finish the race it means that you are the winner, however, during the long races, it really difficult to keep your horse at full speed all the…
Horse Teaches The Rider A Lesson By Getting Revenge On Her
We have often seen several videos on the internet of different horses who have been in difficult situations. These horses have had enough and decided to get revenge on their riders. In general, horses are amazing animals who have been positive and stayed together with humans but it is also known fact that horses are…
Young Rider And Giant Horse Make The Perfect Combination Together
The 11-year-old rider Tabitha Kyle and Irish-bred nine-year-old gelding Grennanstown Sarco Lux Hill have gathered their forces together and has become of the most outstanding couple in different “children on horses” classes and different competitions. As the video below shows they delivered one of the most amazing performances at the recent CSI2* Chepstow Spring International. The…
Meet London’s Last Working Herd of Shires
The amazing herd of seven, which we can see in the photos below is owned by Operation Centaur, the organization who is responsible for maintaining the Shire Horses. “It was set up with the aim of making working horses relevant to contemporary society,” -said Dr. Andreas Liefhooge, the head after Operation Centaur. This multi-talented herd…
Girl Shares Her Amazing Experience With Her Mustang And Wishes Her Farewell!
One of the most difficult things in life is fare-welling with your loved ones. Life leads all of us to different directions for different reasons and pretty often, these directions separate us from our loved ones, it doesn’t always have to be humans, it can be animals as well like the example in the video…
Research Suggests That Domestication Might Have Been Bad For Horses
Thousand years ago, horses are totally wild as the majority of the animals in the world, however, in ancient Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Russia, the first wild horses were domesticated. Humans understood that horses could have been useful for a lot of things, especially in transportation. Until less than 2 centuries ago, horses were the first…
The Famous Tradition Of Chincoteague Island Brings All The Ponies To Swim Together
One of the most interesting things in the horse world is getting to know the different traditions all around the globe who have similarities but at the same time their unique cultural marks in the equine world. Every single country has its own traditions when it comes to horses, but what is even more unique…