When it comes to horses, even though they are all beautiful, in the end, everyone has their favorite breed. Amongst all horse breeds, there is one breed who stands out from the rest. A few decades ago you could have found the Arabian horses only in Arabic countries but due to their amazing beauty, there…
Author: Horse Spirit
Baby Horse Manages To Survive Despite All Difficult Circumstances
We are presenting you today with the touching story of a beautiful baby horse called Joy who was born too small. If you can’t imagine just how small he was, by watching the video below you will see that he was so little and skinny that you could easily carry him on his arms, like…
Budweiser Clydesdale Horses Deliver A Performance Of ‘We Will Rock You’
If you are an equestrian just like us, you most likely have heard about the iconic Budweiser Clydesdale. They are an amazing group of Clydesdale horses who are used for advertisements and commercials by the Anheuser-Busch Company, an American brewing company founded in 1852. There are several teams of horses, that travel all around the…
Racing Is Definitely Not The Cup Of Tea Of This Horse
Do you know what is one of the best parts about the horse races? All the unexpected things that people have no idea that is going to happen. Usually, you sit as a spectator and you simply watch the horses, usually, the one that you are rooting for how is it performing compared to the…
Christmas Is Coming And Festive Horse Celebrates With A Dance
December is already here and for a lot of people, this is their favorite month because the advent atmosphere is all over the world. This is the time of the city with the most decorations, small wooden houses the typical products of this time, that is what is called the magic of Christmas. If there…
The Hilarious Man Introduces The Ultimate Way Of Speeding Up Your Racehorse
I am pretty sure that all of you have watched at least a horse race, if not in person, definitely on TV. Although it might seem a little odd to people who are not part of the horse world, horse racing is very popular and a lot of people, even non-horsey ones have shown a…
Patient Horse Helps Little Girls Get On His Back
Every little kid is curious about a lot of things that they want to try. Younger you are, less you understand what danger is, that is why parents are always very scared to leave their children alone because they know how unpredictable children can be and go after dangerous things. Sometimes, although it might seem…
Horse Misbehaves At The Show Embarrassing The Little Handler
As horses people, you should now how easily distractable horses are. Sometimes, when they have to perform or train they will find something else just to avoid what they are supposed to do. That’s why a lot of trainers and jockeys need to find different ways how to keep them motivated and focused on what…
The Best Ways Guaranteed To Improve Communication With Your Horse
Horseback riding is different from other sports specifically because the rider and the horse have to learn to communicate with each other in less noticeable ways comparing to various sports disciplines who are way more obvious when it comes to communication. The rider must learn perfectly how to use a language that relies strongly on…
Christmas Came Early This Year For This Special Rescued Horse
As fascinating and beautiful that the horse world is, we have also witnessed terrible stories of mistreated or even abandoned horses from all over the world. They are sadly owned by abusive humans who lack the information on how to treat a horse properly or they are simply cold-blooded humans who feel no love towards…