It is very likely that you have heard of a beautiful horse named The Marwari horse and his inward-turned ear tips which give this breed a remarkable and unique look. But this isn’t their only feature or quality, so we decided to give you some interesting facts about these amazing creatures. Let’s take a look…
Author: Horse Spirit
Last Surviving Black Beauty Is Still Going Strong
I think every equestrian has watched at least once the beautiful movie titled Black Beauty. The classic movie was based on the 1877 novel with the same title written by author Anna Sewell. The book is one of the bestsellers of all time with more than fifty million copies sold, whilst a lot of people still…
Horse Miraculously Brings His Stablemate Back To Life
In today’s article, we are going to tell the fascinating story of a horse named Beatrice who was about to be euthanized after she was not able to get back on her feet. Beatrice is a lovely shire horse, 16 years old, who unfortunately suffered from colic, which caused her to collapse. The poor horse…
‘Gentle Giants’ Give The Last Chance To Draft Horses
There are a lot of rescue organizations and shelters all across the world that work really hard for the most amazing creatures in this world, horses. One of them is also Gentle Giants Draft Horses Rescue, whose main focus is to pick horses from auctions and promote the benefits and uses of Draft horses of…
War Veterans Find Peace With The Help Of Horses
Have you ever had those difficult moments in life when you have thought that there is no way out? Everything becomes so tense and it feels like you are suffocating. A lot of people get through this at a certain point in their lives and all of them find different how to deal with it,…
Abandoned Shetland Becomes The Star Of The Christmas Advert
Usually, during every single month of the year, I don’t like the ads that appear in front of me when I watch a video but during December, I have to say that it is probably the first time when I don’t think the ads or commercials are not annoying because I am a great fan…
Drone Footage Records Stunning Group Of Hundreds Of Horses Running In Unison
Watching a horse running wild and free is one of the most beautiful things. It feels like that is the moment that they are fully represented. Horses are known for their beauty, free spirit and nobility, that is why through the long history of civilization they have played a huge role in the development of…
Horse Fails Prove That Horsing Around Isn’t The Easiest Thing To Do
The majority of the people here have ridden a horse at least once in their lives if not all and the main reason why you are part of our community here is the love and passion that you have for horses but did you know that a lot of horse people out there have tried…
102-Year-Old Grandma Rides A Horse After A Long Time
Do you know what is one thing that is frequently stated by a lot of people and I totally disagree? The way how these people think that life stops at a certain age, most likely when you are old because you are not in good shape to do the things that you would like to…
Seven Stunning Horse Breeds With The Most Distinctive Manes
It is a known fact that having beautiful and healthy hair is one of the most important things in everyone’s appearance. Especially for us girls, who struggle a lot to take care of our hair during different seasons of the year, particularly in summer and fall, when we experience hair loss and dryness. Aside from…