Today we are going to show a very hilarious video of a stubborn horse named Poncho who is yelling at a Huge Clydesdale horse named Gus. He looks like he is a little bit nervous and intimidated by the giant horse so he thinks the best way to mark his territory is to yell in…
Author: Horse Spirit
Research Hospital Fulfills The Dream Of The Young Girl Suffering From Cancer
Cancer is one of the worst diseases that a person can have for a lot of reasons. Nowadays, it has become as frequent as normal flu, which is really concerning, given the high cost of the cure and at the same time the negative psychological and emotional impact of both the ones who are experiencing…
Ten of the largest horses that exist on the planet
I know all equestrians are very curious to learn new things about horses because they are our favorite creatures on earth, so it is always very interesting to read about them. Horses have come a long way from the small, pony-sized wild animals they once were, and as we determined how to use them for…
Beautiful Horse Meets A Tortoise And The Confusion Is Real
If you think that we are done with the special type of friendships, you are definitely wrong. Earlier on, you have probably come across the article that speaks about the amazing friendship that an adorable penguin who is separated from his other penguin friends creates with his new horse friends. Well, now is the time…
Sassy Little Filly Prances Around Presenting Her Unique Gait
One of the most beautiful things that I really like is the moment when a foal was born. I would say it is the second most adorable thing after the birth of a child. Having a little thing and at the same time, a stunning and innocent creature in front of you is a moment…
Herd Of Horses Is Really Excited To Meet The Adorable Penguin
It is time for one of those unique types of friendship between horses and other animals. This is not of that typical horse-dog, horse-cat or horse-goat friendships that we are used to seeing on social media, it is quite different from that actually. Would you ever believe that horses and penguins would meet each other…
88 Domesticated Horses Are Freed Back To The Wilderness
Horses are one of the oldest domesticated animals in the world if not the oldest. Their domestication began in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia a thousand years ago and since then, horses have had a huge role in the development of our society. Maybe their role is not as essential today as it was thousands of…
Adopted Pony With Dwarfism Changes The Life Of His Owner
As you all know, there are a lot of animals all around the world who need help from us in different forms, especially the animals who are mistreated or less likely to be adopted by a family for specific reasons. There is no way out for these amazing creatures, hence a lot of animal lovers…
A Closer Look At Some Of The Most Beneficial Aspects Of Owning A HorseĀ
All equestrians know that owning a horse is the best thing that can happen in someone’s life. There are actually a lot of positive benefits you might be interested to know when it comes to owning a horse. Nothing compares to the feeling of having a great companion, like all horses are, to share the…
4 Fascinating Facts About The Norwegian Fjord Horse
The Norwegian Fjord Horse is one of the most beautiful and easy to recognize horses in the world. You can spot this breed from a long distance only by looking at his sharp compact shape and his smooth coat color. Today we have decided to show you some of the most fascinating facts about the…