One of the most important things for a professional jockey or event performer is being able to attend the most important events in the disciplines that they are competing on. If we are talking about a jockey from Australian who wants to compete in an event that takes place somewhere in Europe, which is situated very far geographically, the transportation of the horse would be a really huge struggle. well not anymore with the Air Horse One, the revolution in equine air travel, It’s a far cry from the days of long voyages by ship and is carried out in state-of-the-art cargo planes with the highest level of welfare and medical attention.

It’s a far cry from the days of long voyages by ship and is carried out in state-of-the-art cargo planes with the highest level of welfare and medical attention. As you can see, of course, it will be expensive since it is a revolution but as soon as it begins, I am pretty sure that it would not take too long until it becomes a usual way of transportation. Jim Paltridge has been overseeing the transport of horses since 1983 and knows the luxury afforded to some of the superstars of the racing world.

“You have a first-class, a business class, and the economy,” Paltridge told CNN Sport, referring to the different size container options available. Probably 95% of the horses in the world would fly economy and those that are lucky enough to have owners who can afford it fly business class or first class.” Well, I like to call the first class and the business class a luxury within a luxury as such flights are going to be luxurious themselves, even the economy class might be considered a luxury.

The main importance of Air Horse One is reflected in the fact that now, a lot of competitors who didn’t have any option apart from traveling with big ships for a very long period of time from a continent to another in order for them to be able to compete in a very prestigious event that they want to compete, now they do. Of course, it will not be cheap, but at least it is something. A staff of experts will make sure that everything will be okay. Most importantly, they will make sure that horses will not cause any problems during the flight. Amazing, isn’t it?