The relationship that we have established with our pet friends might seem very abstract until we come in front of stories like Megan Verhagen’s story. Now she is a teenage girl but through the video below, she shares her amazing journey with different horses, including struggling and devastating moments, but on the other hand, moments that we all live for.
Let’s read what she has to say. “I thought I would make this video to show you all my journey with horses from when I first sat on one!!! Without any of these horses in the video, I wouldn’t be where I am now riding. I’ve tried to make it as short as I can so I’ve only included the main horses I’ve had of my own!!
I hope u enjoy it as its taken me ages to make!” As you can read from the video’s title or at the very beginning of the video, she has a 12-year experience with horses and she is only a teenager.
I have to add that she is an amazing horse rider judging only by this video that I saw. I invite you all to do the same and share your thoughts on the video. I wish her a very successful and happy future.